Meditation for Advent: Day 16

O God,

As I look back at my life

I see many little pieces of light.

They have given me hope and comfort

in my bleak and weary times.

I thank you for the radiance

Of a dark sky full of stars,

and for the faithful light of dawn

which follows every turn of darkness.

I thank you for loved ones and strangers

whose inner beacons of light

have warmed and welcomed my pain.

I thank you for your Presence in my depths,

protecting, guiding, reassuring, loving.

I thank you for all those life surprises

which sparked a bit of hope in my ashes.

And, yes, I thank you for my darkness

(the unwanted companion I shun and avoid),

because this pushy intruder comes with truth

and reveals my hidden treasures to me.

~Joyce Rupp,  Little Pieces of Light:  Darkness & Personal Growth


Donec et mi molestie, bibendum metus et, vulputate enim. Duis congue varius interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque et faucibus enim. Quisque sagittis turpis neque. Quisque commodo quam sed arcu hendrerit, id varius mauris accumsan.

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