We are deeply saddened to have to cancel this trip, but it is for the benefit of public health, and already all our hosts have said we are welcome to come in 2021. God-willing, we will travel a year from now!
Spring Break with the Black Church Food Security Network
Baltimore, MD
March 14-21, 2020
1 out of 4 residents in Baltimore are food insecure and live in food deserts, meaning they do not have easy access to a supermarket where healthy, affordable food options may be found. As a result, these residents rely on fast food and convenience stores to get their daily food. The percentage of food insecure residents is even higher among black communities, as black people in Baltimore are disproportionately hampered by lack of access to healthy food.
The Black Church Food Security Network, initiated and run within
African American congregations, is actively working to reduce food
insecurity among black communities in Baltimore. Led by the revolutionary Reverend Heber Brown, they specialize in recruiting, organizing and mobilizing African American congregations around food system initiatives, environmental conservation, and agricultural projects. Utilizing an asset-based community development model, this organization help churches leverage and maximize their existing resources for community empowerment, and they also support growers and producers by establishing economic ventures. In addition to Baltimore, they currently work with farmers, churches, organizations, and seminaries in Ohio, Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia and North Carolina.
They have two main projects: Operation Higher Ground and the Soil to Sanctuary Market. Operation Higher Ground assists historically African American churches with establishing or expanding gardens or agriculture-related initiatives on church-owned land as a way to improve health, spur economic enterprises, support the environment, and further food equity in local communities. The Soil to Sanctuary Market links churches with African American farmers. This mutually-beneficial partnership provides farmers with a niche’ and stable market while giving parishioners the opportunity to purchase fresh produce, meats, and value-added items.
If you are interested in:
~ a deeply meaningful learning experience about environmental racism and food apartheid
~ serving neighbors in need, putting your hands to seeds and soil,and helping cultivate gardens to combat food insecurity
~ a chance to grow in faith and explore justice and service from a biblical perspective
~ a super fun week with the St. Andrew’s crew,
Then this trip is for you!
The total cost of the trip is $350 and we can provide scholarships. Money should not be a reason students cannot attend! See Student Minister Melanie Rohla or Pr Amy for more info!