Spring Break Trip to Nicaragua

Exploring Partnership: A Global Exchange Trip

With St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church and Santa Emilia Nicaragua

March 16 – 23, 2013

What we will do?

Our primary activity will be getting to know our global neighbors in the mountain, coffee-picking community of Santa Emilia. Nicaragua.  We’ll learn about their culture; experience daily life with them; and hear their struggles, hopes, and dreams.  It is possible to visit, work with and learn from women who have micro-credit projects; elementary and high school students; subsistence farmers; migrant workers and community leaders. We will help build a house for a family living in desperate conditions, work in the local school, assist in the community clinic, play baseball with the local team; and participate in other community projects. And of course, there will be some time for hiking the beautiful mountains, learning how coffee is grown and processed; sightseeing and perhaps even visiting a black sands beach.


Where will we stay?

We will stay in modest hotels in the capital city of Managua and in “casitas” built for coffee pickers on a local coffee farm.  We will eat “tipico” Nicaraguan food (mostly rice & beans) prepared by the community.  Our transportation will range from a rented van to Nica buses to lots of walking.


What will it cost?

The cost is $750 per person PLUS airfare.  This covers lodging, meals, in country transportation, translator expenses, and trip coordination and leadership for 6 days.

This experience is limited to 14 people.  A $200 non-refundable deposit is due with your registration by December 13, 2012. Participants must be in good, health, able to walk at least 1/4 mile and pre-approved by Pastor Elaine.   Contact  elainekayolson@gmail.com with questions or interest.


This experience is lead about JustHope.

JustHope is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create long-term global partnerships that are committed to combating extreme poverty and increasing global understanding.  JustHope Global Partners engage one another in cultural exchanges, cooperative learning, mutual dialogue, and sharing resources.  Although partners often engage in development projects together, the focus of the partnerships are on increasing global understanding and empowering self-determination.





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