Meditation for Advent: Day 15

The desert will sing and rejoice

and the wilderness will blossom with flowers;

and will see the Lord’s splendor,

see the Lord’s greatness and power.


Tell everyone who is anxious;

be strong and don’t be afraid.

The blind will be able to see;

the deaf will be able to hear;

the lame will leap and dance;

those who can’t speak will shout.


They will hammer their swords into ploughs

and their spears into pruning-knives;

the nations will live in peace;

they will train for war no more.


This is the promise of God;

God’s promise will be fulfilled.

~Iona Community Worship Book


Donec et mi molestie, bibendum metus et, vulputate enim. Duis congue varius interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque et faucibus enim. Quisque sagittis turpis neque. Quisque commodo quam sed arcu hendrerit, id varius mauris accumsan.

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